Sound Skulptor forums
Build help and troubleshooting => SK25/SK99 Discrete Op-Amp => Topic started by: F.R: on November 14, 2021, 12:59:58 PM
I triplechecked the layout before setting the DOA in as mentioned in the calibration-guide building the CP5176. R10 on the DOA and R56/57 on the main PCB burnt immidiatly at step 6 where i insert the DOA. I read a topic about what to do if r56/57 burns and ordered a new SK25 and also went shopping for some backup resistors and stuff. Strange to me is what caused the DOA itself fail at R10 and what might have caused it which i didn't see on a triple check.
thanks in advance F.R.
Swapped Q9 -Q10 ?
What else...fml..TY. As stated above I ordered a new one already, still wondering if it would work, when I swap out Q9/-10 and the failed resistor as some sort of spare part..or if there might be more broken so it's not worth keeping it.
Not sure.
One failure often cause other components destruction.
You must first find out the reason of the issue.
It was the Q9/10 swap in the end..only failing parts where the 3 resistors...but disassembling the DOA was...let's say not quite worth the time not even for spare parts...the new one did the job, and the "CP 5176" is already on duty. Thanks for your time and very well written documentations. This was totally on me^^
Sorry for posting in this old thread.
Exactly the same has happened to me... except the resistors were fine and I was able to swap the transistors only. Nevertheless I'm going to build a new SK25 and swap it out plus the transistors so they are sure to be fine. This was completely on me aswell. The documentation literally says which transistor to put in but well... my only additional suggestion would be to print it in bold and red?
Thank you JPK!