Sound Skulptor forums

Build help and troubleshooting => CP5176 FET compressor => Topic started by: eewee on November 15, 2021, 09:19:15 PM

Title: wobbly pots
Post by: eewee on November 15, 2021, 09:19:15 PM
Hi there,

I've got a working CP5176 (always fun when building it at a slow pace, and the lights come up in the right way :-)), but the pots are really wobbly: the diameter of the shafts leaves them a lot of play in the front panel, and with the pots' bodies quite a distance behind the front panel, they tend to move around, which (to me at least) feels a bit 'cheap'. 
I managed to fix this in other modules by wrapping a piece of plastic drinking straw around the pot shafts, but here I already put three layers, and they still wobble...

Anyone has a good idea on how to fix this reliably/cleanly?

Many thanks in advance!
Title: Re: wobbly pots
Post by: JPK on November 17, 2021, 05:51:19 PM
I don't think there is a reliability issue there because the shaft is loosely coupled to the pot wiper.
You could try (carefully) some heat shrink tube on the shaft?
Title: Re: wobbly pots
Post by: eewee on November 18, 2021, 10:39:45 PM
Not implying any reliability problem at all, that's just how the pot is constructed.
I will (carefully!) try to use some heat shrink tube, it will definitely be cleaner than what I have right now (the plastic straw parts are harder, and also just fall off as I take away the front panel).

If my next post is 'droopy pots', you know I had the heat gun too high :-)