Sound Skulptor forums
Build help and troubleshooting => MP512 Microphone preamplifier => Topic started by: Tonader on December 05, 2021, 06:15:53 PM
Hey guys, im in the middle of this project. I just want to mention that im missing the connector for DI Port in this package. For now im relaxed with that :-)
But the main question is: can i safely skip the DI board as long as i would never use it? Im to lazy to solder a board that is only for decoration...... If it would not disturb the system at all.
Thanks and best !
You can skip the DI completely as long as you insert the jumper on JMP1.
Please send us an email here ( so that we can send you the missing part.
Is the purpose of JMP1 just to disable the DI? So for normal use the jumper shouldn't be installed? Thank you!
The jumper JMP1 forces the XLR input. It is only to be used during initial testing without the DI board installed.