Sound Skulptor forums

Build help and troubleshooting => TS500 Tape Simulator => Topic started by: PatchDog on May 16, 2024, 02:30:37 PM

Title: Meter LED strange fault, D8 reacting like it is D13
Post by: PatchDog on May 16, 2024, 02:30:37 PM
I've had this fault for almost 5 years since building the unit.

The final Green LED 'D8' reacts as if it is the first Red LED 'D13'. Which means it is not lit until the Volume goes past yellow and into the red, once it does it reacts exactly like D13 (first red). It turns off and on completely in sync with D13.

All other Leds are working fine as expected. I also built 2x units for stereo, at the same time. The other one works fine.

JPK sent me a replacement LED (years ago) after suggesting the LED was faulty. I finally resoldered that LED yesterday, it didn't change anything, that is not the fault.

All solder joints are good.

Please Help!
Title: Re: Meter LED strange fault, D8 reacting like it is D13
Post by: JPK on May 17, 2024, 11:33:31 AM
With your DMM in diode mode, check the direction of all the LED's.
Look for a solder bridge somewhere.
If nothing helps, send us the meter for inspection.