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Topics - ddld

Pages: [1]
MP566 Tube microphone preamplifier / Solder bridge on C9 and C10?
« on: June 10, 2024, 12:12:59 PM »

When you solder the big capacitors C9 and C10 it is very difficult to avoid a solder bridge between one of the pins and the adjacent unused holes. Should I do my best to remove them, or is it harmless, and better to leave it this way?

I've marked the two bridges in the image below:


I'm in the setup process. According to the setup manual, the voltage between TP1 and V+ should be 'approximately' 24.2 volt without the transformer, and 'a little lower' with the transformer. I am seeing exactly 25.08 volt in both cases. Is that a reason for concern, or does it fall within the tolerances?

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