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Topics - jasperdany

Pages: [1]
Discussions about the products / Preamp suggestion
« on: March 21, 2024, 09:19:36 PM »

My main instrument to record is Yamaha Genos, using my Tracking lunchbox Heritage Audio OST 8 ADAT, connected to audio interface Cranborne 500R8. From all my preamps when recording Piano, Epiano or Strings (orchestral strings like quartet and symphony), mp599 has the best sound while tracking, but I still hear a major difference between the sound through phones of Genos, than coming through preamp and Audio interface. Could I improve the sound if I use another preamp ? If yes, any suggestions. I am a newbie to this, so am not sure if am making the right call here.

MP599 Microphone preamplifier / MP599 preamp not working
« on: January 07, 2024, 06:33:32 PM »

I built the preamp based on the assembly guide. I forgot to perform the tests from the setup guide and when I connected to my Wes audio chassis, everything was fine (no smoke). My Wes audio was not connected to my audio interface, so I connected it to my Cranborne 500R8, the DI input did not work, I saw line level input signal and LED blinking, but no output signal and within a few minutes, I saw smoke, I removed the module and am not able to find which component emitted the smoke. Also the preamp is not working. Any suggestions on what I can do ?, or how to fix it ?

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