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Topics - DaftFader

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I've built and been using a pair of these for some weeks now without major issue, but suddenly in this session I'm working on the left compressor started to randomly make some bursts of noise. It would go away after a bit then come back, and eventually it became constant. And now I get a constant noise on my left comp which gets louder the more I turn up the output gain. It also goes away if I put it in bypass (although, when it first started doing bursts, I'm not sure if it did go away in bypass, I think it's only now it's constant that bypass removes it, but I'm not 100% sure about that as when it was making burst of noise I was running it into a bunch of saturation and clipping, so even the noise floor was audible and it might of just been that in bypass I was hearing, but I tested it afterwards and bypass makes it go away). Also If I put it into "LINK" mode it's the same as "IN" mode and the noise is there.

Here is a recording of it with both input/output dials roughly half way.


DI503J Triple DI and Re-Amp / Crunchy sounding Preamp pot
« on: February 04, 2024, 10:21:51 AM »
Hi, I have not long finished my build of your amazing triple-input DI. However sadly the last 1/4 turn of the preamp pot is audibly crunchy and crackly for me whenever I move the dial (it's possible it's also crunchy lower down, but I just can't hear it at the low monitoring levels I've been using so far whilst testing and playing about with it to get used to using it). This is rather irritating, as this is the range at which I need to have it set to to get the output level I need for most of my instruments. It also seems like on occasions the wiper will settle in a section on the rail where the connection is not great, and I have to twiddle the knob to make it sound clear/clean again.

Is there a way to fix this without replacing the pot?


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