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Topics - radar.rohan

Pages: [1]
CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Comp not engaging when ‘in’
« on: August 08, 2023, 12:20:25 AM »

My compressor after working fine for a year + started behaving strangely. 

Now when the compressor is ‘in’ it passes signal and meters fine but the comp seems bypassed. 

When I first noticed this it was intermittent and I had some strange behaviour with the gain pot. But now it just seems dead.

The unit looks like it’s working and I hear the click when I hit the in button. But signal remains unaffected.

You actually helped set this unit up and did a basic repair when I first built it as I had the meter spade connectors attached the wrong way.

Thanks in advice for your help!

CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Comp not passing audio
« on: September 08, 2021, 07:49:44 AM »
Hi there,

I've just gotten up to the testing of channel 1 phase and have hit a big hurdle.

The voltages when testing power voltages seem ever so slightly of +16.3 and -16.3 approx on the V+ and V- pins. Other than that the readings were as expected.

the next step, running 1k sine wave into the comp i don't seem to be passing any audio at all.

I checked the pinned post above n case your CP4500 doesn't work as expected and the only abnormality I could find in the voltage testing was that testing between OV and pin 12 gave me a reading of .0012 as oppsed to .0000. It did behave as expected when turning the pot to +20 however.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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