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Pages: [1]
LA502 Optical Compressor / Behavior of the GR-LEDs has changed
« on: February 09, 2022, 10:11:20 PM »
Hello Guys,

last week i got my LA502 and soldered it immediately. I was able to successfully complete the steps in the setup guide and everything looked fine. Then I tested several vocal and guitar tracks in my DAW by inserting the LA502 into the tracks. The compression sounds smooth and clear - the way it should be.
However, I was cofused by the "way" the GR LEDs lit up. They seemed very "hectic" and it seemed like the LEDs were showing more GR than the compressor is actually compressing. The LEDs with a higher GR value also shone significantly less than those with a small GR value.

All in all I tested about 5 hours in my "home studio". Last weekend I mixed a live session at a gig and brought the LA502 along to compress a monitor group. Everything worked great! After 2 hours, during the session, the behavior of the LEDs changed for my opinion, during switching back and forth between "Bypass" and "In" on the LA502 several times.

The "frantic" behavior and only "slight" lighting of the high GR-LEDs disappeared completely. Now only the LEDs light up, which also lit up "strongly" before. The whole behavior of the LEDs now seems somehow "more relaxed".

In my opinion, nothing has changed in terms of the sound and the way the compressor works and it works perfectly.

Did I do something wrong during assembly or is the behavior known or even "normal"?

I would also be interested to know whether I have to go through the "Setup Guide" and the basic settings again?

Greetings Philipp

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