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Topics - Dds

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CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / CP4500 second channel (PCB B) low gain
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:03:21 AM »

I built my CP4500 kit, and the first channel is just working fine, but not the second one (PCB B). When I feed the unit with a 2VAC, 1kHZ signal, the max output level i get when the "in" control is engaged si about 1,5VAC at maximum. This level is also not affected by the "thresold" or "makeup gain" controls, contrary to the first channel.

I checked the solder and cleaned the whole PCB in an isopropyl dip since it seems to be a frequent issue. Nothing changed for now. All the ICs seem to be in the good spots and in the right directions.

Here are the results i measured  following the troubleshooting procedure .

Channel 2

1Mix = 100%
Ratio = 10
Attack = 0.1
Release =1.2
IN button pressed
HF lift, 100Hz, 50Hz buttons released
Negative meter probe on 0V
  • V+ =+15 to +16VDC, +16VDC
  • V-  =-15 to -16VDC),   -16VDC
  • +12V = +11.1 to +12.9VDC, don't know  where to measure it
  • -12V  = -11.1 to -12.9VDC  same

2Step 1 conditions plus:
Input signal = 0V
Threshold on +15
Makeup on 0
TP6, TP7, TP8, TP9 = 0VDC  0VDC

3input signal = 3VAC
Threshold on +15
Makeup on 0
Signal level (VAC) on
  • TP6=1.5VAC,  1.16VAC
  • TP7=1.5VAC,   2.02 VAC
  • TP8=1.5VAC,   1.16 VAC
  • TP9=0.06VAC  1,09 VAC
DC voltage (VDC) on
  • pin 1 of U16 (white dot) = 0V.  -0.023 VDC

4input signal = 3VAC
Threshold on -15
Makeup on +20
Signal level (VAC) on
  • TP6=1.5VAC,   1.16VAC
  • TP7=0.4VAC,   2.02 VAC
  • TP8=1.5VAC,   1.16 VAC
  • TP9=0.2VAC    1.09 VAC
DC voltage (VDC) on
  • pin 1 of U16 (white dot) = +0.2V  -0.023 VDC

Thank you guys,

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