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Topics - makjeng

Pages: [1]
CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Testing CP4500 without lunchbox
« on: January 19, 2023, 04:59:01 PM »
Hello there, I am building a CP4500 kit for my son who is a sound engineer/musician in a distant location, Melbourne Australia. He chose the device so I just went along with the idea, no questions asked as I have some electronics experience going way way back, and a reasonable set of tools and test kit.
I am ready to do final assembly and calibration but need to do this as a stand alone exercise, if possible. 
Basically I need to know what the PCB interface connection 'pinout' is. I have a copy of the XT500 Lunchbox connector extender pin description and suspect that it will somehow map to the PCB connections of the CP4500.
What signals are available on the test pins? Some are obvious but the others are unknown to me.
I have a lab power supply, signal generator, oscilloscope etc but need help in checking the CP4500's operation.
Sounds like fun? Cheers.

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