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Topics - Dan

Pages: [1]
LA502 Optical Compressor / All LEDs on - RESOLVED
« on: February 05, 2023, 02:24:24 AM »
2nd LA502 build.  First was flawless.

LEDs all turn on at startup and ALL stay on.
V+ and V- read +/- 16V
With 1KHz 1VAC input - signal is sent in Bypass
But no signal when switched to IN, no response with gain pot

R2 = 0.7 VAC with 1VAC Input
R5 = 0.0 V  -  that's not good, right?? - is it possible OC1 is backwards?? Can i tell without pulling it?  Step 11 is confusing - "direction is given by the beveled side on the left." but there's 2 beveled sides - Should the lettering be facing the front??  Or do i look elsewhere for issues?  I can't see any other problems.

TP1 = 0 VDC
TP2 = 15.24 VDC
TP3 = 13.48 VDC

R36 = 2.5V and 16V (right)
R37 = 2.48V and 0.4V

thanks for any help !!

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