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Messages - Philipp

Pages: [1]
Hi Jean-Pierre,

thanks for the hint. Turns out the problem was with the test pins. Once I applied solder from the top, everything works as it should.

On this build either the pins were bigger or the holes smaller. I remember them sliding in easily on the mp573 and cp5176. This time I actually had to widen the holes a little to get them even in. Maybe there was not enough space for the solder to flow through to the top side.

Maybe this is of help for others.

What a fantastic sounding unit! Makes me regret having spent money on plugin compressors.


Sorry, had 5-8 reversed.

1,2,3,5,6: 0V
4: -15.9V
7: +2.9V
8: +16V

Dc Voltages at U21 pins with Threshold at +15 and makeup at 0 and 0 input:

1,2,3,7,8: 0V
4: -15.9V
5: +16V
6: +2.9V


I got board REV1.3.

I have the same issue: Level does not decrease with Threshold control.

I did the voltages check. On step 4, TP13 does not show any DC, no matter where I have the pot. The pot itself seems fine. Also checked the components U21, and R95...R99. Direction, values and joints seem fine.

What should I check next?

Thanks and regards,

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