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Messages - peouse

Pages: [1]
CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Re: Unable to level match Channel 1
« on: October 21, 2021, 07:28:17 PM »
That was my mistake... I was using the wrong pin. Measuring from ground...:o
Now Up and running, thanks a lot for your help :)

CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Re: Unable to level match Channel 1
« on: October 20, 2021, 05:18:23 PM »
Hey JP,

For step 6 :
• TP1=1.5VAC / 1.49
• TP2=1.5VAC / 1.71
• TP3=1.5VAC / 1.49
• TP4=0.06VAC / 0.05
• U6 pin1 = 0vdc / 0

Thank you !

CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Re: Unable to level match Channel 1
« on: October 19, 2021, 07:01:18 PM »
So the problem I have is that I cannot reach the targeted 2vac while switching on/off the module.
Out+ (while off) = 2vac
Out+ (while on) = From 0.93vac to 1.15vac using the trimmer t1.

Thanks for your help !

CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Re: Unable to level match Channel 1
« on: October 19, 2021, 07:03:47 AM »
Hello JP,

Jumping on this thread since I have exactly the same issue. 
Voltage checks are OK, however, I noticed TP2 depends on T1 position, so step6, TP2 is not always 1.5 AC. Right?

I will try the bath this week, in the meantime do you have any suggestions to help me?

Thanks for your help!

Pages: [1]