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Messages - Kev4272

Pages: [1]
Q1 is a component with 3 pins in a row. I mean between the 2 pins which are not the center pin.
Alright! So I did it, but I don't hear the mic relay clicking. Does that mean that the Q1 is damaged?

MP566 Tube microphone preamplifier / Re: No Mic Input And Saturation on DI
« on: February 28, 2021, 04:37:18 AM »

You can check this by creating a short between the 2 extreme pins of this component.
By the two extreme pins of the component, do you mean the 0V and the V+ ?

Do you have a gain variation between the mid and high gain?
Check the DC voltage on TP4. it should be close to 0.
I have a big difference of dB between the three of them. The Low gain is the loudest and the Hi Gain the least loud. But I don't really hear a lot of difference in terms of saturation between the three of them.

Do I have to put the black probe on the 0V and the red probe on the TP4? If yes, I am getting 0V

MP566 Tube microphone preamplifier / No Mic Input And Saturation on DI
« on: February 25, 2021, 08:30:23 AM »
Hi! I just finished a MP566, but I don't have any Mic Input. The signal on the DI seems to work but there's a lot of saturation on it, its almost distortion. I checked the click on the gain switch and I have a click between the Low and the Mid but nothing for the High. I also have no click when I insert a jack in the DI. 


MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 12, 2021, 05:59:09 PM »
Alright, can I order them from you guys?

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 11, 2021, 09:48:33 PM »
Thank you, I was doing it wrong ahah. So I redid It and now I have 4k? for the V+ and 0? for the V-

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 11, 2021, 09:58:32 AM »
I am getting nothing for the both of them.

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 10, 2021, 04:29:53 PM »
But if RLY1 is dead, wouldn't the DI not work because its is RLY? Because right now the DI is working perfectly on both of the modules.

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:52:07 PM »
I redid the soldering on the JMP3, the R28 and the D5 just to be sure. The R28 is 1.2K and I'm getting 2.9k for the RLY1 across D5.

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 09, 2021, 09:04:07 PM »
Alright, so I redid all the soldering on the three RLY but the issue is still there on both of the preamp. I don't hear the clicking when I insert JMP3.

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 09, 2021, 09:07:53 AM »
I hear a click between the 1200 and the line but not with the 300 and the DI. Also, I checked my relays, and they are all in the right direction.

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 08, 2021, 07:32:31 PM »
Yes it is

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 08, 2021, 07:05:28 PM »
I am not sure that would be it, because the problem is still there even when the DI board isn't plugged into the main PCB board.

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / 100 Hz Hum And No Input
« on: February 07, 2021, 05:31:01 PM »
Hi, I recently built two MP573 but I have the exact same problem on both of them. There is a 100 Hz hum and no mic input signal. The DI works fine though. At first, I thought that the problem was with the input transformer, so I redid all the solder on it, but the problem is still there. I also checked all of the components and they all seemed at the right place and on the good side.

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