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Messages - Asthmareport

Pages: [1]
MP512 Microphone preamplifier / Re: OPAMP doesn´t sit tight in socket
« on: February 17, 2021, 03:30:43 PM »
Hello JPX,

thanks for your reply and the tip. That´s what I already did. I just wanted to make shure that it is normal and not because I did not destroy something inside the sockets which too much heat.
That said: I want too say thanks for your really great designed and well documented kits!

MP512 Microphone preamplifier / OPAMP doesn´t sit tight in socket
« on: February 14, 2021, 06:35:20 PM »

I just finished successfully to build a MP5.12. Everything works fine soundwise- it sounds great. But I am not able to insert the SK25 to a point where it sits tight in the socket. I expected to be able to insert it to a point where it snaps in, but this is not possible. It is a bit loose and I have the feeling that it could move out of the socket if I transport my lunchbox. Is this normal? 

Thanks and best regards

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