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Messages - Tinu_CH

Pages: [1]
CP4500 Stereo Bus Compressor / Meter lights dont turn off when in bypass
« on: September 12, 2024, 08:36:29 PM »
My meter LEDs wont turn off when i press the bypass button - Any hints on this? Other than that, the comp works fine. 

When in auto release, the needle creeps back to 0 veeeeeery slowly. But i guess thats how it should be? On other releasw times, it feels perfectly responsive. 

Thanks for your inputs, JPK!

Thanks JPK! 

If i may ask - am i right in the assumption that cutting any leg would have worked, but resulted in the wrong sequence of
frequencies? I tested the switch with a DMM, and each outer leg did make contact with all three inner legs when active. 

Plus the inner legs had contacts between them as well. 

Best and thank you for the fast help. 



Working on my 573 module at the moment, all is well until now.
Now i'm confused that the 12-way rotary switch for the mid frequency has three central connectors (There's like
an outer and inner ring of connectors), but only one hole for the inner connectors on the PCB.

edit: I think as an electronics idiot - the actual switch is a 12-way three pole switch, but the PCB
is made to accept a 12-way one-pole switch.

Is this a sourcing thing? Can two of the three legs just be nipped off?

Thank you very much for clarification :)

Best, Martin

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