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Messages - sdiazmun

Pages: [1]
EQ573 Equaliser / Re: Frecuency response EQ573-II when active
« on: May 10, 2023, 11:05:26 AM »
Sorry, is true that the attenuation not shown. Is about -1dB aprox, and the two units have the same behaviour. All EQ bands works well and after your comments I asume they are ok. 


MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: Calibration
« on: May 09, 2023, 02:20:30 PM »
So .. I finally managed to try this fix and it works perfectly.
Very happy my trim knobs on the stereo bus are matched!

One more question: can I do the same with my 5.99 and 5.12?
What resistor do I look for.

Hi Bert! What value do you use finally? I understand you changed the resistor in one preamp only, did you?

EQ573 Equaliser / Frecuency response EQ573-II when active
« on: May 08, 2023, 10:17:25 AM »

Im just build two EQ573-II and they work and sound amazing!!!

The only thing I don't know if it is normal, is small changes in the frequency response when the EQ is ON, but not EQ is applying.
Also, when I select some LF frequency, the signal level falls off.

You can see this in the attached images


MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: Mp573 Volume trim to zero
« on: January 24, 2023, 01:16:33 PM »
Thanks JeanPierre

MP573 Microphone preamplifier / Re: Mp573 Volume trim to zero
« on: January 18, 2023, 03:04:51 PM »

I'm interesting in this possible mod.
Which behaviour would have the volume trim if change the resistor for a wire? Zero attenuation in "+10" position and maximum attenuation in "-10" position?

Thanks in advance!!

CP5176 FET compressor / Need help with 2:1 to 20:1 ratios
« on: April 10, 2022, 01:31:07 PM »

I have a CP5176 compressor, but the ratios 2:1 to 20:1 not work. The signal seems pass without compression. 
The AC levels on TP3 are 0V except for SLAM ratio that is 6.6V.
All the other levels are OK.

When I meausured the V+/V- voltage, maybe did some cortocircuit with the tester pin and some smoke came out of one of C31/C32 capacitors. Could this be the cause of this problem?

Thanks in advance!!!

Pages: [1]