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Messages - j03p

Pages: [1]
CP5176 FET compressor / Re: Need help with setup
« on: April 14, 2022, 03:06:36 PM »
Haha, never mind, I found out I switched those two around! Thought they were dead because I both measured them with the wrong scale on the multimeter. I guess you must get this a lot. It's all running swimmingly now, and it sounds great! Thanks again.

CP5176 FET compressor / Re: Need help with setup
« on: April 14, 2022, 01:43:43 PM »
Turns out resistors R5 and R20 were both dead.

Would those resistors perhaps be available from you? Or should I order them myself?

Thanks for the tips anyway :)

CP5176 FET compressor / Re: Need help with setup
« on: April 13, 2022, 02:43:04 PM »
Hey, I'm having the same problem. Only the first 4 green LEDs are on, adjusting P7 doesn't change anything. They behave well when compressing a signal in normal operational mode (1 jumper) , only it's just 4 of them... I've checked and tried all of the above, without succes yet. Is there anywhere else I could look?

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