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Messages - Steggi

Pages: [1]
CP5176 FET compressor / Re: Output Sound with no Low End after Setup
« on: June 22, 2022, 06:28:46 AM »
I had to resolder some connections at my extender cable. 
Everything’s fine now :) 
Thanks for the help!

CP5176 FET compressor / Re: Output Sound with no Low End after Setup
« on: June 21, 2022, 04:51:35 PM »
Allright, i’ll go check the wiring this evening and also try another Slot of my Lunchbox. 
But I know that Slot that I used worked fine in the Past. I’ll let you know what i find out. 
Thanks a lot for your answer!

CP5176 FET compressor / Output Sound with no Low End after Setup
« on: June 21, 2022, 11:31:31 AM »

i followed the Setupguide and all Values were fine. I send some Samples through the Compressor and it Sounds like there’s an Highpass Filter on it.
I already ordered a new SK25,
because i measured 0.525V at Top Pin L1 when the Compressor isn’t working. After my research you said that this could mean that there is a problem with the DOP. Maybe there is another Problem. Can you hep me out?

Greetings from Hamburg

Pages: [1]