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Messages - roman_cg

Pages: [1]
TS500 Tape Simulator / Re: Weird stereo effect
« on: August 22, 2022, 11:43:15 AM »
Thank you for your answer.
Do you get the same effect I get when doing a null test with dry signal + TS500 phase flipped ?
I tried a null test with a dry drum mix + drum mix TS500 phase flipped (15ips, Sat in the middle, flat Bias, +9 dbVu), and I didn't get the same result as you. I get a drum mix 20db quieter, not only the room ambiance.
Are you sure you are perfectly time aligned and level match when doing your null test?

TS500 Tape Simulator / Re: Weird stereo effect
« on: July 22, 2022, 10:12:24 AM »
What is weird though, is that when engaging the units, the ambiance of the sounds seems to disapear.
For exemple, with a drum track, it almost act like a transient designer : Kick and snare become louder, but all the details of the room microphones or overhead are getting lost somwhere. As if it were "mono-ing" the signal.
It's visible on the waveform : when level matched, transients keep the same level, but sustained sounds are way lower.
I hear the same effect with my 2 TS500, so I think it's a normal behavior.
The TS500 seems to enhance the transients a lot, so on a drum track when you level match dry and processed signal it's seems normal that the "ambiance" seems lower in volume.

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