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Messages - blewsmusic

Pages: [1]
MP566 Tube microphone preamplifier / High Pitched Whine in 566
« on: August 25, 2022, 07:29:09 PM »
Hi, sorry this is my first time here and I hope that I can receive some help for this new issue. 

I've had the 566 for 2 years and it's been working great. The other day I was in the middle of a session and it started to make a whining noise up around 7k. The noise was coming from the unit itself in the room, not in the recording. The unit was still passing signal. Then a few days later the unit stopped passing signal all together. 

I couldn't figure out how add an audio file but here is a link to an audio file of what the whine sounds like if that is helpful. 

I haven't run a ton of tests, should I start with the basic tests? Is this a somewhat normal problem? Any help would be great. Thanks. 

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