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Messages - Morgelec

Pages: [1]
LA502 Optical Compressor / Re: Can't get to 1VAC sine
« on: April 25, 2021, 08:35:45 PM »
I went ahead and calibrated it, and it works fine!

So happy to get through the build with no trouble. I've learned to take my time on projects, no rushing through and for me it pays off.

This is one awesome compressor. I've only used plugins for compressors like this and it's amazing how quick I could dial in a great sound tracking an acoustic guitar and vocal together. 

LA502 Optical Compressor / Can't get to 1VAC sine
« on: April 25, 2021, 01:21:59 AM »
I am getting 16V when checking the +/- test points. So that's good, but I'm not able to get higher than .94VAC when adjusting the sine source, and that's at 0.00db using the Cubase tone generator plugin. Any thoughts?

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