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Messages - Florian

Pages: [1]
Oh bummer, I measured between tip and shaft of the output jack, instead of tip and ring. Thanks für the heads up, Jean-Pierre.

I've now successfully calibrated the unit and it sounds awesome! I just noticed quite a bit of noise on the release phase on percussive sounds. Is that to be expected on opto compressors (it's my first one)?


I just finished my build of the 502 and I have exacty the same issues until here. Exact same readings as smas22. The output won't go over 12.7V max.

I measured the voltage over R17 and it is 26.8V when gain is at 100. But against 0V it ist 12.3V before and 12.6V after R17. Also, R17 gets hot very quickly at full gain and there is a hearable ringin tone coming from the transformator.

Dumb question, now that I can't measure the resistance of R17: is it 1k (bn bk bk bn bn) or 110ohm (bn bn bk bk bn)?

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