Author Topic: EQ573-II noisy in pre mode

February 20, 2024, 10:47:59 AM
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Hey, I've been having a lot of fun with my EQ and preamp, which seem to be working great although I recently noticed some noise when using them together in pre mode, and I was wondering if that was normal? It's like a static hiss which gets louder as you turn the EQ pots away from centre/zero, and stays the same level as you change the pre-amp gain - and it's not crazy loud or anything but I thought I would ask since it's absent when running the EQ in XLR mode. Is it worth trying a different link cable? Or do I just need to watch my gain staging? Thanks!

February 21, 2024, 03:58:58 PM
Reply #1


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Does the signal/noise get better if you increase the input level of the EQ with the gain rotary switch on the preamp?
Try maximizing the level on the gain switch (and reducing the level with the +/-10dB pot).

February 21, 2024, 06:57:00 PM
Reply #2


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Oh yeah, good idea! Yep that helps, to be honest I only noticed it when I was mixing a quiet track with the EQ cranked, it's not really an issue with proper gain staging, I just wanted to check it wasn't something I had done wrong...