Do you mean U2, U3, U4, U5?
So, no 0,75 VAC reduction
Were you configured as in step 4 of the setup guide?
All VCA say 3,75 VAC except one of them which only give 1.875 VAC
This is possible.
Does the result depends on the slot? If true the issue could be the slot.
Do you get good results if you replace the suspect VCA by one from the other board?
Were you configured as in step 4 of the setup guide? =
Does the result depends on the slot? If true the issue could be the slot. =
No, result does not seem to depend on slot.But, today the following happened:
As i told, i replaced all OPAs with some others i had laying around, same brand and model.
The CP4500 was laying on top of my 19" rack, connected to my luchbox via the extender. Powered on.
When i reached to pick it up, i only touched the corner of the front plate.. and BOOM! I saw the small fire in the electrical blast between my finger and the unit.
One of the OPAs blew so hard a piece of the plastic is gone.
So put all the the original opas back now, just in case i bought a bad batch...
When tunring on, it works as before. Samme issues, no more no less.
Good idea crossswapping VCAs:
What i did was to put all the VCAs from board 2 into board 1. And this actually seemed to work, at least the threshold went smoother again, i just visualized on the meter and heard if the sine diaapears quickly.
So i started changing one after an other to see if any of the board 1 VCA was the culprit. And i actually experienced one VCA working from board ione and the rest not, but when i started round 2 and testet the first working VCA again, suddenly it did not work. So i have a hard time recreating anything, as the issue seem to be random.
I then checked all...
...the board 1 VCAs in Board 2 = did not work - Nor same issuen tho. I have a constant sine that does not get affected by the threshold
...The board 2 VCA on Board 1 = did not work - Same issue as before
...the board 1 VCAs in board 1 = did not work - Same same
back in ...the bord 2 VCA back in Board 2= works fine
This again seem to confirm that there might be something with both board 1 VCAs and something else on board 1.
The funny thing is, the unit worked fine. I only had maybe 1-2dB unbalance on one channel, but all this trouble started the moment i tried readjusting the balance.