I'm having trouble understanding the instructions. On the setup guide step 6 the instructions say:
"Connect your DMM to the CP4500 output, between pin 2 and pin 3 of the XLR. "
What is the CP4500 output? Is it asking for me to attach the DMM to the literal pins on the male XLR? Very confused.
I've also been trying to measure TP1 and TP2 using VAC against 0V, and I've been getting no measurements. Is this because I'm not running a signal into the compressor? Or maybe something is wrong with my solder joints?
After following the "In case your CP4500 doesn't work as expected" instructions, I am getting the proper readings for steps 1-4, and am getting hung up on the 3VAC input signal step while getting no VAC readings from the corresponding test pins.