Hi, I've just finished populating my CP4500, and am having some calibration issues. Right off the bat My V+ and V- are reading a little hot (and cold) at +/-16.3ish V. I don't know if this is a big deal, but the guide says it should be between 15-16.
The part I'm really stumped at is getting my output signal to read the same when the compressor is IN or not. Ive got a 3.0VAC reading while the comp is off (with the 1Khtx signal through my DAW), but I cant seem to get any more signal out of my T1 trimmer resistor no matter how much I turn it. I've cleaned the PCB's thoroughly, checked the polarity of all my caps and diodes, made sure that the T1 resister was working properly by isolating it with the DMM, but I cant get the signal up to where it should be.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance