SK501 Single 500 Series Host
The SK501 is a single slot, 500 series compatible case and power supply.
The MU524 is a Variable Mu tube compressor which, with the help of two transformers, provides a smooth and vintage sounding soft knee compression.
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The MU524 is a compressor where the gain variation is provided by varying the mu (gain) of a special tube.
With the help of two transformers it provides a smooth and natural soft knee compression which can travel into land of distortion when driven hard.
It is a professional-grade unit that brings the warmth and character of vintage gear to the 500 series world.
Install it in your API* compatible LunchboxTM rack and start working.
2: METER Shows the gain reduction from 0 to -20dB.
3: IN Sets the input level to the compressor which also defines the threshold at which the compression appears.
4: LIMIT Increases the compression ratio to a limiting level.
5: OUT Sets the makeup gain of the compressor.
6: HPF Inserts a high-pass filter in the sidechain which produces a fat sound and eliminates bass driven pumping.
7: REC. Recovery sets release time of the compressor.
8: FAST ATTK Shortens the attack time of the compressor.
Absolutely everything!
You bring the solder (use good quality solder, 1mm diameter max) and the Lunchbox.
The MU524 kit is a medium difficulty kit. It can be undertaken by anyone who is able to make a clean solder joint.
The setup is a little more complex than average. It requires a good quality digital multimeter.
Measure | Conditions | Value |
Idle supply current | No input signal | V+ : +125 mA V- : -125 mA |
Input impedance | IN varying from 0 to 10 | 4.5 to 15 kΩ |
Maximum input level | defined by the IN potentiometer | No limit |
Maximum output level before clip | No gain reduction | +27.5 dBu |
Frequency response | Deviation=+/-0.2dB | 20 Hz - 20 kHz |
Attack time | Slow/Fast | 10 mS / 1.2mS |
Release time | From 50 mS to 1 S | |
Ratio | Limit OFF | From 1.2 to 3.5 |
Ratio | Limit ON | From 1.5 to 7 |
DOCS Code | Documents |
From DOCS-24 | User manual Parts list Components layout Assembly guide Setup guide Schematic |
Best compressor I have heard!!!
I have a lot of good compressors in my studio. Heritage Audio Successor, Tegeler Audio Creme, AML 52F50 (Neve 2254), FMR Audio RNLA500, CP5176 (1176) and Golden Age Comp 2A etc.
They are all good compressors. Specially the Tegeler Creme, AML 52F50 and CP5176 are great and I use them all the time. But the MU524 is outstanding!
Haven't heard anything like it. It's like breathing new life into vocals, instruments and Master-Bus. The compression is smooth, but the overall sound is many times better than bevor. How is this possible?
Great job Sound Skulptor!!!